Friday, August 24, 2012

"Tri-ing" Something New!

Tomorrow morning...bright and early...I am participating in the Cherry Point Sprint Triathlon. I'm not sure who's kool-aid I was drinking when I registered...but somehow I thought  this might be a good idea. Am I excited for this new experience? Absolutely!!! And I completely nervous and anxious? Absolutely!!! Am I crazy for trying to fit this in along with getting ready for school to start and training for a marathon...ummm...yes!

This crazy idea actually started brewing when I decided to sell my bib for the Annapolis 10-miler I signed up for several months ago. Originally, I had planned on taking a "mommycation" (which will be fully defined and discussed in a future blog post). The plan was I would head to Annapolis, MD on Friday, stay through the weekend to run the race on Sunday morning, then head back to NC on Monday. I planned to spend the weekend living like a grown-up (lol), spending time with a dear friend from college and seeing some other college and post college friends, some old colleagues, and even a friend from here that had just moved to VA. I thought running the race would combine a fun weekend away (much needed) with some additional MCM training. 

Then, about a month ago, I realized that my kids started school on August 27, the day after the race. I was already thinking I couldn't get there until coming home Sunday really sucked the fun out of the whole trip. I would drive up, be tired, run a hilly 10-miler on Sunday, then drive home. Carl was totally prepared to take on the whole first day of school thing...but I just felt like I didn't want to miss it. Even though I REALLY want to take a wasn't worth missing the first day of school for the kiddies. 

So, after I was able to sell my bib, somehow, I got wind of this sprint Tri. I don't know if it was someone elses' idea...or mine...but I do know that several of my friends jumped in and signed up while I was still contemplating it. Have I So it should be interesting! I've still been focused on my marathon training and I've used the bike as cross training. I've been in the pool a few times...and I actually have a swim lesson today (lesson 2 of 2 that I am taking with some friends).  When I told my instructor that the race was this weekend...she was very Big confidence builder.  Note that I am taking the lesson while my kids swim in another part of the pool under the supervision of a lifeguard...yeah right. I don't imagine my lesson lasting very long unless I plan on swimming while dragging the munchkins behind.

Goals for tomorrow's race: 
1. Swim 400 meters without passing out
2. Stay on the bike without falling, getting a flat tire, or any other big disasters
3. Getting off the bike and heading to the run knowing that my legs will eventually feel better
4. Remembering to take off my helmet in the transition between the bike and the run
5. Encourage spectators to capture memories with photos from the waist up (haha)
6. Cross the finish line without having to be dragged over it

So, wish me luck! A new challenge awaits!

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