Thursday, August 30, 2012

School Daze

First day pictures were a total FAIL
So, Monday was the first day of school for Dara and Caleb. If I said I was totally sad, I would be lying. I have been missing them during the day times so far but I have been enjoying the freedom that comes from school. Dilly and I have been running errands and getting some things done around the house...which has been both fun and rewarding since I can spend some time with her and feel like I am finally accomplishing something after a summer of just trying to get stuff done but being interrupted every five minutes and just giving up. That said, when I gave up I was actually able to pay attention to the maybe it wasn't such a  bad  idea.

Is this a happy face or
My kids like school...kind-of. And when I say that I mean it in the best way possible (just in case any teachers are reading even if t hey don't like to do their school work...they do love YOU). Every night at bedtime Dara asks if she will get to go to school tomorrow...and  then asks when she can check books out of the library (my book worm!) and Caleb has told me this is the best school year ever. Dilly was all smiles as she left her first day of orientation today for preschool that starts 4 mornings a week next week (note she is wiped out and napping right now!) But...even with the desire to be at school they still miss being at home. No matter how you slice it, even on the funnest days, school means demands and work. Basically, school is like a kids job. And even though I love to work and get satisfaction and enjoyment from it, I also love it when I don't have to work. When I was working in an office, I always looked forward to Friday and dreaded the insomnia of Sunday night before starting the work week on Monday. So, if a choice could be made, my kids would probably opt for school some days and home some days.

Dilly getting on the action by being the only one smiling.
I like school for them too...kind of. I mean, school gives them amazing opportunities to learn, not only about facts, but about other people, diversity, respect. It provides them with the opportunity to grow and foster relationships with other intelligent and diverse kids and adults. It challenges them in ways that will help them grow their knowledge and as human beings. It also challenges them to cope, to adjust, to focus, to face people who might not be so nice, to make choices about who they want to be and how they want other people to see them. These things can be both amazing and difficult at the same time. They are part of life...of growing up...and the part where I just want to jump in and guide them and protect them all at the same time... mommy bear style. It is both difficult and rewarding to see my children grow. It provides me great joy as well as sadness all at the same time. I guess I need to just keep crossing my fingers, fighting battles for them when I can, and believe that just by feeling this way I am doing something right.

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