Friday, October 12, 2012

The Sunny Side of Life

I've been busy. So what...right? If I really want to become a seriously famous blogger I actually need to update my blog more than once in almost a month (and figure out how to actually get people to follow my so busy is no excuse. Honestly, I'm not sure I will ever be famous, but it would be cool. I mean, what mom hasn't read the story of Beyonce? Or read at least one Momastary post? It's not that I feel like I am so important that everyone will want to read my blog, like they have those, but I do hope someday that my sometimes complex, sometimes simple, and sometimes just plain silly utterings will have enough significance to make people think about...or rethink about how they feel about themselves, their kids, or their life.

So in an attempt to obtain world domination (I kid) here's my latest attempt at a complex, simple, silly uttering. The other day as I was having my morning chat with some friends in the parking lot after drop off, a friend of mine told one of the other ladies that we were chatting with that I always tried to find the positive side of things. She was right. Well, most of the time. I'm not always that person...but I do try. Sometimes its annoying...I know. And I hope I don't ever seem like I am minimalizing a situation. I am always just trying to find the sunny side. Don't get me wrong. I have had many times in my life where I just wanted to sit in my closet with the door closed and wallow in my own sadness and despair. And I have. But once I am done with that I try to find the positive side of the situation and that is what helps me get through. Do I still feel sad on the inside? Yes. Does my smile sometimes shift to tears in moments? Absolutely. But when all is said and done...I am still going to try and find the sunny maybe you will too.

My reasons to smile...