Friday, August 17, 2012

Dates with Babes!

Taking time to be with my kids individually is hard. I know that sounds kind of silly, but between therapies for Dara, camps, running, work (when I have it) it just takes extra time and planning that I don't always have. They are also kind of conditioned from deployments and workups...meaning that when there is only one parent around it is hard to do anything without all four of us being together. Plus, my kids are so close in age that when they are not fighting with each other they actually kind of like each other's company. 
I couldn't stop laughing at this ring!
Mmmmmm...Superman ice cream!
This summer, before our babysitter left for her new teaching job, I took some time to schedule dates with the kids. I let them choose (kind of) what we were going to do. Dara and I went to a movie and had ice cream for breakfast and for lunch. The funny thing is, she didn't really eat any of it either time...she just loved that I was letting her do it! Caleb and I played mini golf and went to the arcade at Mac Daddy's. He picked a skull ring as one of his prizes for his tickets and kept telling me it was the best day ever. Dilly and I went shopping (of course!) and went to buy a rainbow dolphin  that she remembered seeing at the aquarium. We stopped by all of her favorite exhibits after we bought "Milly" the dolphin and she was over the moon. I can't believe I have never done this more. I mean, I get some alone time with the kids but we don't usually plan fun individual excursions. Usually it is just a trip to the grocery store or the Dunkin Donuts drive thru.

This isn't from our date, but I love it!
I really enjoyed hanging with each one of them as individuals. Saying that out loud makes me feel like I never spend any time with them...even though that is far from true. It was just nice to be able to really hear them...rather than fight over the noise of all three kids together and have to referee every conversation or action. I am so glad that they enjoy each other, but at the same time, they make each other (and me, when that happens) crazy! 

We only have one week left until school starts. On one hand, I am ready for the break. This year I will have 4 days a week to myself until 12:00, when I pick Dilly up from preschool. On the other hand, I am going to miss them. Not the bickering (I mentioned that they fight...and make me nuts... didn't I?) but just knowing what their day entails and being able to share that with them and protect them from the  unknown. I am dreading the morning routine and how tired they will be on a daily basis, how busy Dara will be with school and ABA, Caleb's soccer practice, and everyone's HOMEWORK (yuk!). 

I also hate the idea that I will want to rush the school we can have another summer. Every school year that passes, means my "babies" grow up a little more...and that is bittersweet. 

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