Thursday, August 30, 2012

School Daze

First day pictures were a total FAIL
So, Monday was the first day of school for Dara and Caleb. If I said I was totally sad, I would be lying. I have been missing them during the day times so far but I have been enjoying the freedom that comes from school. Dilly and I have been running errands and getting some things done around the house...which has been both fun and rewarding since I can spend some time with her and feel like I am finally accomplishing something after a summer of just trying to get stuff done but being interrupted every five minutes and just giving up. That said, when I gave up I was actually able to pay attention to the maybe it wasn't such a  bad  idea.

Is this a happy face or
My kids like school...kind-of. And when I say that I mean it in the best way possible (just in case any teachers are reading even if t hey don't like to do their school work...they do love YOU). Every night at bedtime Dara asks if she will get to go to school tomorrow...and  then asks when she can check books out of the library (my book worm!) and Caleb has told me this is the best school year ever. Dilly was all smiles as she left her first day of orientation today for preschool that starts 4 mornings a week next week (note she is wiped out and napping right now!) But...even with the desire to be at school they still miss being at home. No matter how you slice it, even on the funnest days, school means demands and work. Basically, school is like a kids job. And even though I love to work and get satisfaction and enjoyment from it, I also love it when I don't have to work. When I was working in an office, I always looked forward to Friday and dreaded the insomnia of Sunday night before starting the work week on Monday. So, if a choice could be made, my kids would probably opt for school some days and home some days.

Dilly getting on the action by being the only one smiling.
I like school for them too...kind of. I mean, school gives them amazing opportunities to learn, not only about facts, but about other people, diversity, respect. It provides them with the opportunity to grow and foster relationships with other intelligent and diverse kids and adults. It challenges them in ways that will help them grow their knowledge and as human beings. It also challenges them to cope, to adjust, to focus, to face people who might not be so nice, to make choices about who they want to be and how they want other people to see them. These things can be both amazing and difficult at the same time. They are part of life...of growing up...and the part where I just want to jump in and guide them and protect them all at the same time... mommy bear style. It is both difficult and rewarding to see my children grow. It provides me great joy as well as sadness all at the same time. I guess I need to just keep crossing my fingers, fighting battles for them when I can, and believe that just by feeling this way I am doing something right.

Friday, August 24, 2012

"Tri-ing" Something New!

Tomorrow morning...bright and early...I am participating in the Cherry Point Sprint Triathlon. I'm not sure who's kool-aid I was drinking when I registered...but somehow I thought  this might be a good idea. Am I excited for this new experience? Absolutely!!! And I completely nervous and anxious? Absolutely!!! Am I crazy for trying to fit this in along with getting ready for school to start and training for a marathon...ummm...yes!

This crazy idea actually started brewing when I decided to sell my bib for the Annapolis 10-miler I signed up for several months ago. Originally, I had planned on taking a "mommycation" (which will be fully defined and discussed in a future blog post). The plan was I would head to Annapolis, MD on Friday, stay through the weekend to run the race on Sunday morning, then head back to NC on Monday. I planned to spend the weekend living like a grown-up (lol), spending time with a dear friend from college and seeing some other college and post college friends, some old colleagues, and even a friend from here that had just moved to VA. I thought running the race would combine a fun weekend away (much needed) with some additional MCM training. 

Then, about a month ago, I realized that my kids started school on August 27, the day after the race. I was already thinking I couldn't get there until coming home Sunday really sucked the fun out of the whole trip. I would drive up, be tired, run a hilly 10-miler on Sunday, then drive home. Carl was totally prepared to take on the whole first day of school thing...but I just felt like I didn't want to miss it. Even though I REALLY want to take a wasn't worth missing the first day of school for the kiddies. 

So, after I was able to sell my bib, somehow, I got wind of this sprint Tri. I don't know if it was someone elses' idea...or mine...but I do know that several of my friends jumped in and signed up while I was still contemplating it. Have I So it should be interesting! I've still been focused on my marathon training and I've used the bike as cross training. I've been in the pool a few times...and I actually have a swim lesson today (lesson 2 of 2 that I am taking with some friends).  When I told my instructor that the race was this weekend...she was very Big confidence builder.  Note that I am taking the lesson while my kids swim in another part of the pool under the supervision of a lifeguard...yeah right. I don't imagine my lesson lasting very long unless I plan on swimming while dragging the munchkins behind.

Goals for tomorrow's race: 
1. Swim 400 meters without passing out
2. Stay on the bike without falling, getting a flat tire, or any other big disasters
3. Getting off the bike and heading to the run knowing that my legs will eventually feel better
4. Remembering to take off my helmet in the transition between the bike and the run
5. Encourage spectators to capture memories with photos from the waist up (haha)
6. Cross the finish line without having to be dragged over it

So, wish me luck! A new challenge awaits!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Dates with Babes!

Taking time to be with my kids individually is hard. I know that sounds kind of silly, but between therapies for Dara, camps, running, work (when I have it) it just takes extra time and planning that I don't always have. They are also kind of conditioned from deployments and workups...meaning that when there is only one parent around it is hard to do anything without all four of us being together. Plus, my kids are so close in age that when they are not fighting with each other they actually kind of like each other's company. 
I couldn't stop laughing at this ring!
Mmmmmm...Superman ice cream!
This summer, before our babysitter left for her new teaching job, I took some time to schedule dates with the kids. I let them choose (kind of) what we were going to do. Dara and I went to a movie and had ice cream for breakfast and for lunch. The funny thing is, she didn't really eat any of it either time...she just loved that I was letting her do it! Caleb and I played mini golf and went to the arcade at Mac Daddy's. He picked a skull ring as one of his prizes for his tickets and kept telling me it was the best day ever. Dilly and I went shopping (of course!) and went to buy a rainbow dolphin  that she remembered seeing at the aquarium. We stopped by all of her favorite exhibits after we bought "Milly" the dolphin and she was over the moon. I can't believe I have never done this more. I mean, I get some alone time with the kids but we don't usually plan fun individual excursions. Usually it is just a trip to the grocery store or the Dunkin Donuts drive thru.

This isn't from our date, but I love it!
I really enjoyed hanging with each one of them as individuals. Saying that out loud makes me feel like I never spend any time with them...even though that is far from true. It was just nice to be able to really hear them...rather than fight over the noise of all three kids together and have to referee every conversation or action. I am so glad that they enjoy each other, but at the same time, they make each other (and me, when that happens) crazy! 

We only have one week left until school starts. On one hand, I am ready for the break. This year I will have 4 days a week to myself until 12:00, when I pick Dilly up from preschool. On the other hand, I am going to miss them. Not the bickering (I mentioned that they fight...and make me nuts... didn't I?) but just knowing what their day entails and being able to share that with them and protect them from the  unknown. I am dreading the morning routine and how tired they will be on a daily basis, how busy Dara will be with school and ABA, Caleb's soccer practice, and everyone's HOMEWORK (yuk!). 

I also hate the idea that I will want to rush the school we can have another summer. Every school year that passes, means my "babies" grow up a little more...and that is bittersweet. 

Monday, August 13, 2012

6 Days Between Posts

It's been almost a week and I haven't posted. Yikes. I've gone over about 20 possible posts in  my head. I  had several ideas yesterday on a long ride in the saddle (that's my cool talk for riding my bike) on the trainer as I was sweating it out in my garage and several on my long treadmill run today. I love that I can think when I run. It is my favorite kind of multitasking.

But even after all those fabulous ideas...I am only writing a short post about why I am not posting. Doesn't make much sense does it? Oh well. I had a friend tell me today that she loved reading my blog (you know who you are!) and that excites a writing kind of way (this is a PG blog people!) and makes me want to write more. So I will...and I hope my posts can stay true enough and interesting enough to keep reading.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I Don't Do Lists

If I actually wrote a to-do list it would be about a mile long. 

I think the reason I don't typically write lists is that I don't want to obsess over all of the things that I need/should/want to do when I am doing the things I am actually doing. If I did write a list it would be about a mile and a half long! For example, I need/want to redo the upstairs bathroom (I bought the primer in March and it is still sitting in the garage!), reorganize all the kids clothes for school, clean out the attic, reorganize the garage, dig around the pool filter and add rocks and pavers...yikes...I could keep going but that would be a list...and I don't make lists!!!

How on earth do people fit it all in??? I mean, I can barely go to the bathroom by myself some days! Right now I can barely even write this blog post! I love  my kids endlessly...but seriously...I can't get anything that might be on my list [if I made lists] done without 50 million interruptions...which means I simply can't get anything done!

I have loved the summer so far. We've had fun just hanging at home. We've been to NY and VA. Dara's been attending camp two days a week and Caleb and Dilly have done swim lessons. We had friends in this past weekend, Carl completed his sailing course, and we've had several pool and play dates. It has really been great hanging with the kids even when they are making me crazy! So, maybe not having a list has been a good thing so I don't get too wrapped up in the things I am not accomplishing.

I guess if I wrote a list for the summer it would look like this... 

1. Hang out with the kids
2. Try to be patient with them
3. Remember that they are kids and this is their vacation too so let them watch TV and play video games and do other fun kids stuff
4. Give (and get) lots of hugs
5. Don't obsess over the toys on the floor or the glue and markers that won't wipe off the table
6. Remember to be patient (I think I need this one a few times)
7. Don't worry about what's not getting done, focus on what you ARE doing
8. Remember that time passes quickly and you can't get back a minute once it is gone
9. Use your inside voice (a nicer way to say don't
10. Just be happy with who you are and focus on CAN not CAN'T
11. Remember that no one is perfect...not you and not them!