Monday, August 13, 2012

6 Days Between Posts

It's been almost a week and I haven't posted. Yikes. I've gone over about 20 possible posts in  my head. I  had several ideas yesterday on a long ride in the saddle (that's my cool talk for riding my bike) on the trainer as I was sweating it out in my garage and several on my long treadmill run today. I love that I can think when I run. It is my favorite kind of multitasking.

But even after all those fabulous ideas...I am only writing a short post about why I am not posting. Doesn't make much sense does it? Oh well. I had a friend tell me today that she loved reading my blog (you know who you are!) and that excites a writing kind of way (this is a PG blog people!) and makes me want to write more. So I will...and I hope my posts can stay true enough and interesting enough to keep reading.

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