Monday, July 9, 2012

Blogging all Over the Place!

My "three" for all!
So "they" say that if you decide to should blog about something specific. Pick a subject and write about it and people will begin to follow you. Well, I am just one of those people that is all over the place. If you know me at all you will totally understand what I mean. I can't finish one thought or conversation without merging it into about 10 more...and then I usually forget the original thought or point I was trying to make. So, to honor my true self, my blog will be just like me...all over the place! If you decide to read (or follow me) you'll get to read about my silly kids, my love of running, autism and how it affects me and my family, my  hubby, my job, my fears, loves, and well, a whole bunch of other stuff.

Two things I will write about a WHOLE bunch are running and autism. I have merged these two by deciding to run the Marine Corps Marathon on October 28 as a fundraiser for the Organization for Autism Research (OAR). I've been running for almost 3 years now and this will be my 2nd marathon. I can't think of 2 causes that are closer to my heart. I'll be embarking on this adventure with about 30 (or more) ladies that I run with as much as I can ( These amazing ladies keep me on my toes, educate me about running and about a zillion other things. It is such an amazing and supportive group! I'll be following their blogs and helping them (hopefully!) as well.

My official training actually started today. It is my son Caleb's birthday, so instead of getting a sitter for my run I decided to take him with me. Lucky him (lol). I pushed him and my youngest (Dilly) in a double stroller while my oldest (Dara) was at camp. As far as training was a fail. It was super hot and those kids are heavy! So, 5-6 mile run was cut short by about 2-3 miles. But we were together and it was fun (well, not at the time...but looking back it wasn't so bad). Then, he got to play on the playground with some of his friends while I endured a [slightly torturous] strength workout with some fellow SW's. Those girls can make anything fun! So overall...I don't think I am off to such a bad start.


  1. Slightly torturous?!? Pshh. You did awesome!! He didn't seem to mind starting his birthday late at all! :)

  2. Yes..torturous! But a great start to the day.

  3. SO...are we on for next Monday???
